The first stage is Cultivate.

Just like gardeners begin by cultivating their soil, health equity work begins with cultivating the environment inside your organization.
This includes creating a “container” for your equity work; building an internal infrastructure; and articulating a clear equity vision and commitment. Just like the gardener’s plants, public health practitioners’ strategies and practices need resources and nutrients to take root and thrive. These include allocating adequate funding and staffing; building a shared analysis of health equity and root causes of inequity; naming shared values; and developing shared leadership.
At this stage, laying the groundwork for relationships with communities and other agencies is crucial. Like pollinators, these relationships are essential for your strategies to have a meaningful impact in the community.
Strategic Practices
Build Internal Infrastructure and Capacity
Cultivate an organizational infrastructure capable of sustaining internal change work.
Develop a Shared Analysis
Develop shared analyses of root causes of health inequities, power, and the political landscape.
Articulate Your Vision and Values
Articulate a clear vision and values that will guide your health equity and racial justice strategy.
Develop Shared Leadership and Support Innovation
Develop shared leadership, support innovation, and take strategic risks to advance equity.